讲学。尹教授是美籍华人,学贯中西,研究领域主要集中在生态经济理论与实践方面(简历附后)。这次讲座主要是就中国生态服务补偿的实施和影响方面做独到的剖析,欢迎师生们莅临参加。 讲座时间:2012年3月19日(周一)上午9:30分 讲座地点:文泉楼2楼三公牌
会议室 The Implementation and Impacts of China’s Largest Payment for Ecosystem Services Program as Revealed by Longitudinal Household Data Runsheng Yin Department of Forestry Michigan State University 110 Natural Resources Building East Lansing, MI 48824, USA Professional Experience 2006.10 - present Director of the Ecosystem Policy Institute of China, a joint research program sponsored by Michigan State University and the Chinese State Forestry Administration 2006.7 - present Associate Professor of Forest Resource Economics and Policy Department of Forestry, Michigan State University 2000.4 0 2006.6- Assistant Professor of Forest Resource Economics Department of Forestry, Michigan State University 1998.8 - 2000.3 Assistant Research Scientist of Forest Economics and Finance School of Forest Resources, The University of Georgia 1994.8 - 1998.7 Research Associate of Forest Economics School of Forest Resources, The University of Georgia 1986.8 -1989.7 Research Fellow of Forest Policy Institute of Forest Economics, Chinese Academy of Forestry 1982.2 - 1984.8 Teaching Assistant of Forest Economics and Management Department of Forestry, Shanxi Agricultural University
Courses Taught FOR 866 – Economics of Renewable Resources FOR 450 – Forestry in International Development FOR 466 – Natural Resource Policy FOR 202 – Introduction to Forestry
Research Funding An Integrative Impact Evaluation of China's Ecological Restoration Programs, $650,000 awarded by the National Science Foundation, 9/1/2006-8/30/2009 (with Jiaguo Qi and David Rothstein). China's Forest Sector: Market Projection and Policy Analysis, $55,000 awarded by the USDA Forest Service, 9/01/2006-8/30/2008. The Driving Forces and Environmental Consequences of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in China's Upper Yangtze Basin, $299,820 awarded by the National Science Foundation, 9/1/2005-2/28/2008 (with Jiaguo Qi and David Rothstein). Land Use and Land Cover Changes in China's Upper Yangtze Basin: A Pilot Study, $12,386 awarded by MSU Center for Advanced Study of Int'l Development and Asian Studies Center, 05/01/2005-07/30/06. Market Projection and Policy Assessment for China's Forest Sector, 140,000 Yuan (~$17,000) awarded by the China Natural Science Foundation and $95,000 awarded by the Ford Foundation, 10/1/2004 -9/30/2006, (with Zhou Li, Rural Development Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences). REU Site: Preparing Resource and Environmental Managers with International Understanding and Merits (PREMIUM)-funded by National Science Foundation 2004-2007. Developing an Economic Analysis Tool for Practitioners in Developing Countries -awarded by Forest Service Office of International program in November 2003. Market Impacts and Policy Implications of U.S. Trade Restrictions on Imported Lumber-awarded by the McIntire-Stennis Forest Research Program in 2002 and Michigan Agricultural Experimental Station in 2003. Developing a Timber Market Model for China—awarded by the Michigan State University Foundation in 2001 The Impact of Fiber Farming on Logging Productivity and Costs—awarded by the University of Georgia Research Foundation in 2000. The Impact of Institutional Timberland Ownership on Regional Wood Supply—awarded by the Southeast Experimental Station, USDA Forest Service in 1999. Evaluating the Productivity and Profitability of Fiber Farming—awarded by the Southern Forest Resource Consortium in 1998 (with David Newman). An Assessment of Production Efficiencies and Competitive Advantages of U.S. Pulp and Paper Manufacturers—awarded by the Southeast Experimental Station USDA Forest Service in 1998 (with David Newman). An Inquiry into the Efficiency of Timberland Investment Opportunities in the Southern United States—awarded by by the Southeast Experimental Station, USDA Forest Service in 1997 (with David Newman). Evaluation of Timberland Investment Opportunities in the Southern U.S.—awarded by the Southeast Experimental Station, USDA Forest Service in 1996 (with David Newman, Jon Caulfield, Tom Harris, and Chris Zinkhan).