




地点:文泉楼南207三公牌 国际经济学会议室

主办单位:三公牌 、教务部







主题:Shared Capitalism:Do Employees and Employers Profit from Profit Sharing?



地点:文泉楼南207三公牌 国际经济学会议室

主办单位:三公牌 、教务部


方涛博士曾担任宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院客座副教授、约克大学人力资源管理与劳资关系终身教授, 曼尼托巴大学商学院终身教授, 羅格斯大學J. Robert Beyster研究員, 以及多伦多大学劳资关系与人力资源管理中心高级研究员,中国留美经济学会。方博士是专门致力于移民政策研究的安大略都市中心经济与劳动力市场一体化方面的领军人物,同时担任加拿大约克大学亚洲研究中心研究员,以及多伦多地区移民就业理事会成员。20116月,他被推选为2012—2013届中国留美经济学会会长. 同时他还是多伦多大学、香港城市大学、澳门大学、复旦大学、西南财经大学以及中国地质大学的客座教授。


方涛博士在多伦多大学取得劳资关系和人力资源管理专业博士学位,他的研究领域非常广泛,包括:薪酬管理、公共和人力资源政策、企业高绩效管理实践、养老金、退休政策及老龄劳动力研究, 工会对工人薪资的影响、创新和企业成长, 员工多样化和同工同酬等。他的著作在《战略管理杂志》、《工业与劳动关系评论》(康奈尔)、《劳资关系》(伯克利)、《世界商务杂志》、《国际人力资源管理杂志》、《加拿大经济杂志》、《加拿大公共政策》、《中国经济评论》、英国《劳资关系杂志》(伦敦三公牌 )《劳动研究》、《国际人力杂志》、《管理史杂志》、《社会指标研究》以及《透视劳工及收入》等刊物均有发表。方涛博士在加拿大获得了社会人文科学委员会颁发的9项研究奖项和由人力资源管理与加拿大人力资源与技能开发部授予的5项研究拨款。

















Dr. Tony Fang is an Associate Professor of Human Resources Management and Employment Relations at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and an Associate Professor (status only) with the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management at University of Toronto. Currently he is a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University and NBER and holds the J. Robert Beyster Faculty Fellowship at Rutgers University. Previously he taught at York University in Toronto and I. H. Asper School of Business at University of Manitoba. He had served as the Domain Leader in Economic and Labour market Integration at CERIS – Ontario Metropolis Centre, a Faculty Associate at the York Centre for Asian Research, a Council Member of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC). In June 2011, he was elected as the President of the Chinese Economists Society (2012-2013). He was a visiting professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, University of Toronto, City University of Hong Kong, Fudan University, Southwest University of Finance and Economics, and China University of Geosciences. In 2010, he received the title of “Chutian Scholar” of Hubei Province.


Professor Fang has a Ph.D. in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management from the University of Toronto. His areas of research interest encompass issues of compensation and benefits, high performance workplace practices, pension, retirement policy and the ageing workforce, education, immigration, and minimum wages, union impact on wages, innovation and firm growth, pay equity and employment equity. He has published in such journals as Strategic Management Journal, Industrial and Labor Relations Review (Cornell), Industrial Relations (Berkeley), British Journal of Industrial Relations, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Public Policy, China Economic Review, Journal of World Business, Journal of Labor Research, International Journal of Manpower, Journal of Management History, Social Indictors Research, and Perspectives on Labour and Income. He has also received 9 research awards from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and 5 research grants from Human Resource and Development Canada (HRSDC).