2008年9月——2012年6月 华中科技大学(本科、学士)
2012年9月——2017年6月 北京大学(研究生、博士)
2017年7月——2023年12月 三公牌-三公技巧 (副教授)
2024年1月——今 三公牌-三公技巧 (教授)
欢迎有志于做学术研究的同学联系邮箱[email protected]
全国第2届大学生水利创新设计大赛,一等奖(国家级) 2011
湖北省第8届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛,特等奖(省部级) 2011
武汉市第十七次社会科学优秀成果,优秀提名奖 2020
第六届全国大学生能源经济学术创意比赛,二等奖 2020
三公牌-三公技巧 “科研教学奖” 2021
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 72474227, 城市经济关联视角下黄河流域生物多样性足迹核算与补偿机制设计, 2025-01 至 2028-12, 在研, 主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 71804194, 我国地区经济关联的隐含能源流动研究:基于多尺度投入产出模型, 2019-01 至 2021-12, 结题, 主持
3. 中南财经政法大学中央高校基本科研业务费, 团队项目, 2722019JCT006, 我国城市产业集聚与生态效应研究:基于能值理论, 2019-03 至 2020-12, 结题, 主持
4. 国家社科基金重大项目, 21&ZD072, 新发展格局下中国经济韧性的形成机理、动态评价与政策协同研究, 2021-12 至 2026-12, 在研, 参与
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 71673014, 生态约束下城市经济的最优规模研究:理论模型与实践, 2017-01-2020-12, 结题, 参与
1. 吴小芳. 能源利用的多尺度系统投入产出核算. 武汉大学出版社: 武汉, 2021.
2. 吴小芳, 吴姗姗. 能源与环境的经济研究简集. 武汉大学出版社: 武汉, 2021.
已发表论文中,4篇论文被收录为ESI高引论文(Highly Cited Paper),1篇论文入选热点论文(Elsevier top 25 hottest article)。WOS引用次数1742次,H指数24。作为主要作者(第一作者或通讯作者)发表论文如下:
1. Xia QZ, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Wu SS, Ma XY. Unraveling the effect of domestic and foreign trade on energy use inequality within China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2023, 183, 113472. (SCI)
2. Xia QZ, Han MY, Wu XF* (吴小芳). Evolution and drivers of energy embodied in intermediate and final trade between China and the world. Earth's Future 2022, 10(12). (SCI)
3. Sun XD, Cheng XL, Guan CH, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Zhang B*. Economic drivers of global and regional CH4 emission growth from the consumption perspective. Energy Policy 2022, 170, 113242. (SCI)
4. Long J#, Wu XF#(吴小芳), Yang Q, Chen GQ, Liu ZH, Huang JL, Ba SS. Tracing energy-water-greenhouse gas nexus in national supply chains: China 2017. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 352, 131586.( SCI)
5. Liu Y, Yan CH, Gao JL, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Zhang B*. Mapping the changes of CH4 emissions in global supply chains. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 832, 155019. ( SCI)
6. Fu, Y, Xue, L, Yan, Y, Pan, Y, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Shao, Y. Energy Network Embodied in Trade along the Belt and Road: Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influencing Factors. Sustainability 2022, 13(19), 10530. (SCI)
7. 夏权智, 吴小芳*, 罗京. 中国中间品和最终品贸易中的隐含能源. 环境经济研究 2020, 5(3): 133-151.
8. Zhang B*, Zhang YQ, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Guan CH, Qiao H*. How the manufacturing economy impacts China’s energy-related GHG emissions: Insights from structural path analysis. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 743: 140769. (SCI)
9. Zhang B, Wang Q, Liu Y, Zhang YW, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Sun XD, Qiao H*. Uneven development within China: Implications for interprovincial energy, water and arable land requirements. Journal of Environmental Management 2020, 261, 110231. (SCI)
10. Liu Y, Wu XD, Sun XD, Guan CH, Zhang B*, Wu XF* (吴小芳). Exports-driven primary energy requirements and the structural paths of Chinese regions. Frontiers of Earth Science 2020, 14(4), 803-815.(SCI)
11. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Global overview of crude oil use: From source to sink through inter-regional trade. Energy Policy 2019, 128: 476-486. (SCI)
12. Guo S, Zheng SP, Hu YH, Hong JK*, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Tang MH. Embodied energy use in the global construction industry. Applied Energy 2019, 256: 113838. (SCI)
13. Zhang B, Guan SH, Wu XF* (吴小芳), Zhao XL. Tracing natural resource uses via China's supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 196, 880-888. (SCI)
14. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Coal use embodied in globalized world economy: From source to sink through supply chain. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018, 81: 978-93. ( SCI)
15. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Energy use by Chinese economy: A systems cross-scale input-output analysis. Energy Policy 2017, 108: 81-90. (SCI)
16. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Global primary energy use associated with production, consumption and international trade. Energy Policy 2017, 111: 85-94. (SCI)
17. Chen GQ, Wu XF* (吴小芳). Energy overview for globalized world economy: Source, supply chain and sink. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017, 69: 735-49. (SCI)
18. Wu XF (吴小芳), Yang Q*, Xia XH, Wu TH, Wu XD. Sustainability of a typical biogas system in China: Emergy-based ecological footprint assessment. Ecological Informatics 2015, 26: 78-84. (SCI)
19. Wu XF (吴小芳), Chen GQ*. Renewability and sustainability of biogas system: Cosmic exergy based assessment for a case in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015, 51: 1509-24. (SCI)
20. Wu XF (吴小芳), Wu XD, Li JS, Xia XH, Mi T, Yang Q*, Chen QG, Chen B, T. Hayat, A. Alsaedi*. Ecological accounting for an integrated “pig-biogas-fish” system based on emergetic indicators. Ecological Indicators 2014, 47: 189-97. (SCI)
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