主讲人:James. Hueng教授(Western Michigan University)、富布赖特学者、中南财经政法大学文澜讲座教授
1986年9月-1990年 7月本科:台湾大学工商管理
1992年9月-1994年 12月硕士:维斯康森麦迪逊大学经济学专业
1994年12月-1997年 5月博士:维斯康森麦迪逊大学经济学专业
2006-2013 西密歇根大学副教授
1997-2003 阿拉巴马大学助理教授
2010年1月-6月 台湾大学人文和社会科学高级研究所富布莱特研究学者
C. James Hueng,Professor of EconomicsWestern Michigan University
EMail: [email protected];URL: //homepages.wmich.edu/~chueng/
地点:文泉楼三公牌 南206
地点:文泉楼三公牌 南206
Why Did the Sign of the Price-Output Correlation Change? Evidence from a Structural VAR with GARCH Errors.
地点:文泉楼三公牌 南206
Economics Workshop
Professor C. James Hueng
Email:[email protected]
WeChat ID: jameshueng
Feel free to communicate with me in Chinese
This workshop is designed to help the participantsto write and to present a new research project written in English. There can be multiple participants, but no more than three, working together on one project.
The participants go through five stages for the project:
First Stage: 12/21/2017-05/13/2018. Write a referee report for a paper which your project will be based on.
Find a paper of your interest from the NBER working paper series (//www.nber.org/new_archive) or the working paper series of the Federal Reserve Board (//www.federalreserve.gov/econres.htm) and Federal Reserve Banks (//research.stlouisfed.org/wp/; //www.frbsf.org/economic-research/publications/working-papers/; //www.newyorkfed.org/research/epr/index.html; etc.) from 2005 to date (if the paper is published in a journal, you have to use the published version). Write a referee report, which should include a summary of the paper and the contributions it makes. At the end of the report explain how you will build your project on it. Make sure that the data you want are actually accessible before deciding on the topic of the project.
You can write the report in either English or Chinese. However, it makes more sense to write in English because you will be using it in your final English paper later anyway.
Communicate with me by emails if you have any question. Expect to do multiple reports because I may tell you that the project is not doable. This stage should be finished by May 13, 2018, when I will visit the ZUEL for two months.
Second Stage: 05/14/2018-05/27/2018. A 10-minute presentation of a one-page proposal of your project.
The one-page proposal should answer three questions: What are you doing? Why are you doing it? How are you doing it?
Third Stage: 05/28/2018-06/10/2018. A 20-minute presentation of a 5-page proposal of your project.
The 5-page proposal should specify the motivation, empirical model, estimation method, main hypothesis, and data source.
Fourth Stage: 06/11/2018-06/24/2018. A 30-minute presentation of the final proposal of your project.
The final proposal should include:
oThe motivations and a clear description of the theories or literatures that support the motivations;
oThe empirical model and estimation method;
oMain hypothesis;
oSample statistics of your data and plots of the main variables;
oPreliminary results and a brief discussion of the results.
Fifth Stage: 06/25/2018-07/08/2018. A 40-minute presentation of the first draft of the project.
For the first draft of the paper, special attention is paid to the professional writing style (correct spelling and grammar, clear exposition, and good organization). The draft should at least include the following sections:
oA title page that includes an abstract;
oModel and data descriptions;
oEmpirical results;