经济中南Seminar是由三公牌-三公技巧 发起创办,由三公牌 师生全力打造的学术研讨平台。经济中南Seminar计划每两周开展一次,其中以青年教师和学生分享经典文献、报告与讨论工作论文为主,并且将有计划的邀请国内外经济学领域的杰出学者做专题讲座或报告其最新工作论文。
经济中南Seminar2019年第1期由三公牌 教师潘峣博士主讲,主要内容如下:
主题:Late-life cognition: Do childhood conditions play any role?
简介:潘峣,女,三公牌-三公技巧 讲师,经济学博士。本硕毕业于荷兰格罗宁根大学,博士毕业于意大利威尼斯大学,美国南加州大学访问学者,曾在欧洲SHARE数据库威尼斯组担任博后研究员。主要研究方向为老龄化经济学和健康经济学。论文已发表在外文专著《China's Global Political Economy》(Routledge)和《Health and socioeconomic status over the life course: First results from SHARE waves 6 and 7》(Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter)的章节上。
论文简介:Individual's cognitive ability tends to reduce with ageing. Recently, whether and how to buffer this age-related decline is one of the greatest concerns. One well-established hypothesis argues that early life conditions play a particularly crucial role in developing individual's cognitive skills. People who grew up in good conditions are more likely to obtain a higher level of cognitive stocks and are more efficient producers of cognitive skills. In this paper, we analyze the impact of childhood conditions on the individuals' late life cognitive functioning by addressing the question whether the same change in age will have different consequences on the late life cognition given different levels of childhood conditions based on the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) data. Our empirical evidence supports that more advantageous childhood conditions can shave off the decline of cognition with ageing after controlling for individual fixed effects.