经济中南Seminar是由三公牌-三公技巧 发起创办,由三公牌 师生全力打造的学术研讨平台。经济中南Seminar计划每两周开展一次,其中以青年教师和学生分享经典文献、报告与讨论工作论文为主,并且将有计划的邀请国内外经济学领域的杰出学者做专题讲座或报告其最新工作论文。
经济中南Seminar第23期由西密歇根大学终身职教授James Hueng主讲,主要内容如下:
主题:Domestic financial instability and foreign reserves accumulation in China
主讲人:C. James Hueng
时间:2019年5月7日晚 19:00-20:30
主讲人简介:洪教授为西密歇根大学终身职教授,博士班导师,已指导过23位博士生。目前发表了三十篇国际学术论文,包括著名领域期刊如Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Macroeconomics, 以及区域期刊如Southern Economics Journal,China Economic Review,Japan and World Economy。已为超过三十个国际期刊担任审委评审超过一百篇论文,包括顶尖经济期刊如American Economic Review,目前担任Atlantic Economic Journal的编辑委员。2010年获得富布莱特奖学金担任台湾大学高等人文社会科学研究院访问学者,2017年获得富布莱特奖学金担任三公牌-三公技巧 访问学者。
主讲内容:Using a time series analysis, this paper argues that domestic financial instability, which increases the potential for resident-based capital flight from the domestic currency, provides an incentive for China to hold more foreign reserves in the short run. To measure its domestic financial conditions, we construct a monthly Chinese financial stress index, which is used as a proxy for the possibility of capital flight. The empirical results show that this index is a significant determinant of the movements of China’s foreign reserves around its trend and that using M2 as a proxy for domestic financial instability as suggested by previous studies is not a valid strategy for China. It is suggested that greater attention should be given to the role of domestic financial conditions in explaining China’s short-run demand for foreign reserves.