
【预告】Wei-Chiao Huang教授讲座


主讲人:黄维乔Wei-Chiao Huang





报告题目:《The Effect of Maternal Employment on mothers’ health and psychological well-being


报告人简介:美国西密歇根大学经济学系教授、Timothy  Light汉学研究中心主任,中南财经政法大学美国富布赖特教授。主要研究领域包括移民问题经济学、人才外流、慈善行为、就业变动和工资、研发效率、大学排名等。


This paper examines the effect of maternal employment on mothers’ overall health and psychological distress. This study makes use of data from the Early childhood longitudinal study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 and the U.S Bureau of Labor statistics. For the purpose of analysis, IV probit regression is used having state level unemployment rate as an instrument for maternal employment. The findings of this paper suggest that the effect of mothers’ weekly work hours on mothers’ overall health is positive and significant for the spring third-grade cohort. In addition, there is evidence that the effect of maternal employment on mothers’ overall health and psychological distress differs by type of occupation. Mothers in managerial, professional and low supervisory jobs are more likely to be psychologically distressed but also have higher probability of being in good overall health condition compared to mothers in manual jobs.