





Olga Borokh (博罗赫) is Leading Research Fellow of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences located in Moscow, Russian Federation. Graduated from Moscow University, she received doctorate degree in economics from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fields of scholarly interest include the history of Chinese economic thought since the early twentieth century, with a focus on Western intellectual impact on Chinese economics and contemporary economic debates in the People’s Republic of China. She holds membership in the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS) and the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET).

Abstract: Russian studies in history of Chinese economic thought can be divided into four major periods:

  • the 1950s

  • late 1950s – late 1970s

  • late 1970 – late 1990s

  • the current period opened in the 2000s.

    Research efforts and selection for translation of Chinese economic works were related to historical and intellectual context of each period. Studies in Chinese social and economic transformations since the beginning of the 20th century were connected with different aspects of history of modern Chinese economic thought.

    New approach to “sinological studies in Chinese economy” was proposed by an influential scholar Vasilij Alekseev in the late 1940s. This methodology was applied by Prof. Viktor Shtein in his studies of the ancient Chinese economic thought. His pioneering work laid the foundation for the later Russian researches of traditional Chinese economic ideas.

    In the 1970s scholars focused their attention of the economic policy and ideology of the PRC. In the 1980s growing interest in Chinese reforms experience led to publication of translations of works of prominent Chinese economists. Researches explored the ideas of contemporary Chinese economists from the angle of their contribution to elaboration of the economic policy. Studies in specifics of the Chinese economic model and comparative research in paths of economic development of Russia and China became highly prominent in that decade.

    In the 21st century Russian scholars inherited the idea of “sinological studies of Chinese economy” and applied it to research in Chinese economic science. Studies in economic ideas of Republican China and the PRC were integrated into comprehensive publications on Chinese culture and history. At the same time studies in history of Chinese economic thought by the Russian scholars encountered new problems and methodological difficulties.

    Russian scholars follow the developments in the studies in the history of Chinese economic thought by Chinese researchers and the most recent trends in the development of Chinese economic science in the context of the task of creating social sciences with Chinese characteristics. The presentation also compares Russian approaches to Chinese economic science with Chinese studies in the history of Russian economic thought.