


论文题目:Occupational Retirement and Social Security Reform: the Roles of Physical and Cognitive Health

摘要:Skill-biased technical change leads jobs to be less physically demanding whereas require more cognitive abilities, but existing research on retirement pays little attention on the cognitive dimension of health. This paper first explores occupational facts in ability requirements, multiple dimensions of health, and their interactive relationship in retirement. Based on these facts, this paper proposes and estimates a dynamic structural model of individual retirement and saving decisions, incorporating both physical and cognitive dimensions of health and allowing their retirement effects to differ across occupations via four channels respectively: leisure, wage, medical expenditure and life expectancy. I use indirect inference for estimation, using variants of auxiliary models to exploit either pooled variations or only within-individual variations to identify the model. The counterfactual results suggest cognitive health has little retirement effect for manual workers, whereas for clerical workers it is as vital as physical health. Leisure and life expectancy are more important channels. When retirement age increases, manual workers would actually delay retirement more than professionals. This is not due to their health capacity but instead to their fnancial rigidity in deciding when to retire.




  文家奕,厦门大学三公牌 与王亚南经济研究院助理教授2018年博士毕业于西班牙货币与金融研究中心(CEMFI)。曾在美国联邦储备银行(纽约)、西班牙央行、国家发改委宏观经济研究院有过短期访问和研究经历。目前主持国家自然科学基金(青年项目)一项。他的研究兴趣主要在于老龄化、老年人储蓄与退休行为、生命周期模型,以及其他劳动、公共和健康经济学的问题。