


论文题目Connections in troubled times: the impact of interlocking bank directorates in Republican China

摘要I employ a sample of modern Chinese banks in the 1930s to investigate how board connections in an inter-bank network affect their corporate policy decisions. I construct bank networks based on interlocking directorates for the period 1933 - 1936 and find evidence that corporate decisions of banks are inuenced by their social peers — the more directors two banks share with each other, the more similar are their corporate strategies. The analysis also reveals that peer behavior affects a bank’s own decisions not only at the bilateral level but network-wide. Banks with a central position in the boardroom network make the corporate decision less distinctively. Further, the empirical outcomes show that co-moved corporate policies are mainly driven by banks’ intentions to pursue prots and eliminate risks, known as protability and insurance effects. Overall, the ndings support the view that banks cooperate intimately with each other at board level and interlocking directorates were a critical channel for sharing managerial practices in the 1930s.



  主讲人简介:孔令宇,澳大利亚阿德莱德大学经济学博士,现在三公牌 经济史研究中心担任讲师。研究方向为量化经济史,研究兴趣包括金融发展,民国银行和社会网络分析。

    评议人简介:李小克,三公牌-三公技巧 教师,研究方向:偏向性技术进步研究(生产率、资源配置扭曲)。