白彩全,山东大学经济研究院。主要从事能源环境经济学和量化经济史方面的研究。近年来,以第一作者或通讯作者在Energy Economics、Energy Policy、Finance Research Letters、Children and Youth Services Review、Journal of Environmental Management、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》等期刊发表(含录用待刊)学术论文多篇,出版著作1部,出版译著3部。担任Energy、Resources, Conservation & Recycling、Journal of Cleaner Production、Journal of Environmental Management、Social Indicators Research、Economic Systems、International Journal of Comparative Sociology、Applied Economics、The Social Science Journal、Emerging Markets Finance and Trade等多个SSCI、SCI和CSSCI期刊的匿名审稿人。曾获得中国青少年科技创新奖、中国大学生自强之星、中国大学生年度人物入围奖、中国平安励志计划经济学术论文奖、山东大学“榜样的力量”学生年度人物、山东大学研究生“学术之星”、山东大学研究生校长奖、山东大学学生“五·四”杰出青年科学奖等奖励和荣誉多项。
讲座主题:Commercial Social Capital and Individual Investment Choices: Historical evidence from the Shanghuis in the Late Qing Dynasty in China
摘要:How to explain private investment choices in the financial market is one of the important issues in the field of household finance. Using the unique data of shanghuis, informal financial entities that played an important role in the financial industry in the late Qing Dynasty, this article explores the historical origins that influence contemporary private investment choices in China. We find that the establishment of shanghuis in the late Qing Dynasty can significantly increase the local contemporary residents’ preference and participation scale for the risk assets, but does not exert any actual effect on their investment in risk-free assets. Moreover, with the expansion of shanghuis, this long-term impact becomes more significant. After performing instrumental variable tests and other robust inferences, the above conclusions are still valid. In further tests, the long-term impact of shanghui mainly originates from the following: (i) the establishment of shanghuis makes local investment finance available; (ii) as an important form of social capital, shanghui promotes long-term social trust, and increases individual’s risk-taking ability in the financial market; (iii) the activities of shanghuis improve the financial knowledge and literacy of contemporary individuals, thus promoting individual investment impulse. From the historical perspective, this article provides a branch of new explanation for understanding the individual investment choices and household financial investment imbalance in China today.