


主题:Changes and Driving Forces of Energy Embodied in China’s Intermediate and Final Trade

摘要:China is the world’s biggest energy consumer. Under a growing pressure of energy conservation and emission reduction, it is of great importance for China to adjust foreign trade structure in terms of energy use. Based on the input-output analysis and structural decomposition analysis, this study conducted a comprehensive analysis on the direct and indirect energy resources use and their driving forces related to China’s foreign trade, including both intermediate and final trade, from 1990-2015. Results find that energy resources embodied in China’s foreign trade show a fluctuating upward trend and intermediate trade plays an increasingly important role. China is revealed to change its role from a net exporter of energy resources to a net importer due to the change in intermediate trade. In particular, at the sector level, heavy industry sectors are indicated to dominate China’s foreign trade in terms of energy resources use. At the region level, North-South trade is witnessed to dominate China’s energy resources exports while South-South trade is the main source of imports. The increases in exports and imports per capita are pointed out to contribute to energy resources trade increment the most, whereas the improvement in local energy efficiency and foreign energy efficiency reduces energy resources trade greatly. Results provide important implications for balancing the tradeoff between the extended trade profits and the growing energy demands in China, which further help achieve the goal of sustainable development.




  吴小芳,三公牌-三公技巧 国际经济学系副教授。2008-2012年就读于华中科技大学获工学学士学位,2012-2017年就读于北京大学获理学博士学位。20177月起任教于三公牌-三公技巧 。主要研究领域为资源核算与生态经济、环境模拟与系统生态工程、能源经济、能源政策等。在Energy PolicyRenewable & Sustainable Energy ReviewsScience of the Total Environment、《环境经济研究》等国内外期刊发表论文30余篇,其中2篇论文进入ESI高被引论文检索。


  吴姗姗,三公牌-三公技巧 副教授,主要研究方向为微观经济学,环境经济学,国际经济学。在Environmental ManagementPopulation and EnvironmentJournal of Environmental Management等高质量期刊发表多篇文章。