
【经济中南】“文澜高端论坛系列活动”第67期预告 | 曾道智教授讲座


   讲座题目:Economic Geography and Non-CES preferences

主讲专家:曾道智 教授

主持人:石智雷 教授




 This study reexamines Krugman’s (1991, J. Polit. Econ.) core-periphery model by substituting his constant elasticity of substitution (CES) utility with a generally additively separable utility that comprehensively captures the pro-competitive effect while preserving the income effect. The heterogenous consumption patterns of skilled workers and unskilled workers introduce a demand adjustment effect. The resulting interaction between the dispersion force, driven by the pro-competitive effect, the demand adjustment effect, and the agglomeration force stemming from the “second nature,” leads to various possible location patterns. These comprehensive demand and supply linkages generate novel evolutionary paths and bifurcation diagrams. Notably, high trade costs do not always lead to complete dispersion, and free trade does not necessarily result in agglomeration. Furthermore, multiple phases of redispersion are also possible.


曾道智,日本东北大学教授、博士生导师。主要研究领域为空间经济学,在Economic TheoryJournal of Development EconomicsJournal of Urban EconomicsJournal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Regional Science, Canadian Journal of Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Economica, American Journal of Agricultural Economics等国际一流期刊发表论文五十余篇,共同编写的《空间经济学》教材以中文版和日本版分别在我国和日本发布。担任日本应用区域科学学会理事、中国区域科学协会理事,在空间经济学、国际贸易学、区域经济学等领域作出了一系列原创性理论贡献,是一位有重要影响力的华人经济学家。