
【经济中南】“文澜高端论坛系列活动”第82期预告 | 王彬副教授讲座


讲座题目:Structural Change and The Natural Rate of Interest: An Accounting Framework by Sufficient Statistics

主讲专家:王  彬 副教授

主 持 人:周上尧 准聘制副教授




This paper empirically and quantitatively explores the link between structural change and declining natural interest rate, both of which are seminal trends during the last three decades. Empirical analysis suggests that structural change from manufacturing to services explains 42.77% of the natural interest rate declining in our sample. We then build a theoretical model to show that the variance of the final goods (consumption) share change is a sufficient statistic for the declining natural rate if sectors are complements. By this sufficient statistics, we account the contribution of structural change to the declining natural rate, and the result is close to the empirical one.


王彬,暨南大学三公牌 副教授,博士毕业于香港城市大学,研究方向为宏观经济学以及政治经济学,研究话题包括生产网络、低利率环境、晋升激励、劳动搜寻匹配等。论文发表于Economics Letters, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Macroeconomic Dynamics等期刊。